
If you have never heard of or experienced,then you must head over. They have a happy collection of tasty treats, fun/sometimes embarrassing stories and anecdotes, book and movie reviews, how-to’s, etc. It’s beautiful! The website contributors are real people sharing real things over the internet with positive energy. It makes me feel normal to read these things and I feel a camaraderie with these writers when we share similar views or experiences, I don’t feel like as much of a weirdo or as alone because of this website. All this to say, I’m taking a break from these deep, dark posts and I’m going to post a recipe because  I always especially love to browse the amazing recipes that get posted on Hello Giggles.  I tried one out tonight called Almond Joy No-Bake cookies.

These are fantastic cookies! You will need these ingredients:

Coconut oil, Shredded coconut, Baker’s chocolate/Chocolate Chips, Honey, Salt, and Raw Cashews. Here’s a link to the recipe:

To make the cashew “flour” or meal I used my food processor to grind it all up and it worked perfectly. Of course if you don’t want to shell out a bunch of money for raw cashews and you have regular flour in hand, that’ll work too, but the cashew meal is great and adds texture.:)

I used Semi-sweet chocolate chips instead of the baking chocolate to add a bit more sweetness because the honey doesn’t quite meet my sweetness quota. 😛

And instead of the costly Coconut Oil, you can use Canola or Vegetable oil, and a little less than the recipe says if you prefer. I made it the way the recipe says this time, but maybe next time if I don’t have all the ingredients I’ll experiment on my own…

I didn’t add the nuts to the top because in my family we don’t really like them, but sometimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don’t. Almond Joys have nuts, Mounds don’t.

These make a great summer treat and I hope you enjoy them as much as I did!